Monday, May 28, 2007

Charles Nelson Riley

One of the funniest men alive died today. I was saddened to find out that his persona of a homosexual was not an act. I was also surprised that his obit listed his partner as the only immediate survivor. And to top it off, it was complications from pneumonia that killed him. I guess it was a major battle of pneumonia that he was fighting with since he had been ill for over a year.

I think it was complications from pneumonia that he died from but the root cause was not complications from pneumonia. I think it was AIDS but we are told not to think that AIDS is fatal, nor a result of any lifestyle choices. True, there are some that have gotten AIDS from other sources than lifestyle choices but the majority are not just accidental exposure to the virus. There was some sort of deviant behavior involved.

Deviant behavior is described as behavior that is not accepted as socially normal. Sadly , homosexual behavior is fast becoming acceptable normal behavior. To make a lifestyle choice that leads to a disease is not a wise choice. Smoking is a deviant behavior. Paying for sex is a deviant behavior. Having sex with multiple partners is deviant behavior. Taking illegal drugs is deviant behavior.

Is AIDS a punishment from God for homosexual behavior? NO! Just as getting lung cancer is not a punishment for smoking. However, with choices there are rewards and consequences. I suggest one should choose carefully.


Anthony said...

"Complications from pneumonia" is the P.C. way of saying that someone died from the AIDS virus.

I suppose, in its broadest term, paying for sex is deviant, but if we are to believe that the sex drive is "normal", and having sex with an opposite sex partner is "normal", then we must realize that for some, the idea of paying is also normal.
Either because they cannot find a willing partner for "free", or they are so physically repulsive that they cannot satisfy their sex drive through other sources.

In those cases, the behavior is certainly not deviant, merely the satisfaction of a desire brought about by the fact that we are human.

rattln along said...

Again the difficulty arises in the definition of the word "normal". Since our society has detirmined paying for sex to be illegal, I must call it deviant.

Normal in one culture may be deviant in another. Neither is wrong nor is either exclusively right. Just "normal"

I enjoy your blog. I encourage all my (2) readers to go and visit Anthony's writings.

Anthony said...


I'm not sure where my opinion fits politically, but at least in the pay for sex deal I'd be better accepted in Nevada.
When properly regulated it can work. I'd be curious to know if studies have been done to find the frequency of STDs in brothels versus "polite society". My guess would be the brothel number is lower - per capita.