Saturday, October 20, 2007

Tap Dancing!!

I have debated on commenting on the practice of toe tapping to get sexual favors from your stall neighbor in the bathroom, but the other day an 18-year-old was arrested in my home area for trying to get a sexual act from an undercover police officer that had followed him into a city park bathroom.

I don't know about you but the city park bathroom would be the LAST place I would want to find my dream guy (if I was gay). The smell alone would cause me not to want to spend much time in there in the first place.

The only form of tapping with toes that I was familiar with is best illustrated by Shirley Temple.

But it appears that this style of dancing has taken on a different sort of toe to toe dance. First you need a stall....

And then you need a Congressman, who cannot find a suitable partner in all of Washington D.C.

Larry Craig would have been what the teenagers call a "widestance". (look it up!! I did.


Anthony said...

There's some sort of stall fascination with the gays. I can imagine getting all worked up over a chick and doing it in the bathroom - but not a public one.

I think it's fascinating that this whole process has evolved to the point that there's a ritual dance associated with it. Just like the animals.
It must have taken generations to work up. That's dedication for ya.

carrie said...

Until this Larry Craig "thing" I had no idea what went on Men's public bathrooms. It's all so gross, I'm just sayin'.

Happy Halloween Rattl'n.