Thursday, November 23, 2006

Happy Thanksgiving!

I am thankful for my growing readership and the opportunity to be able to write about anything that strikes me.

I have been rather excited to see the Dallas Cowboys actually playing to the potential that each player has. That is a strange statement to make. These are grown men getting paid a lot of money to go out and play a game. I think that other industries should have the same exposure on them. The NFL is due to make 5 billion dollars in revenue just on the NFL Network deals that they have made with cable and other broadcast outlets. I would love to see them send some of that money into the school systems. Especially since they are building athletic programs up all over the place.

There was a guy nicknamed "Mattress Mac" and he gave a million dollars to the University of North Texas. The AD fired his friend the head coach. Mattress Mac took out a full page ad in the newspaper demanding that the practice field that was to name after himself be named after the fired Head coach otherwise he wanted the money to be moved to the music program instead. I say bravo for that but UNT decided to keep that condition so that they would not have to move the money. I now say that Mattress Mac should donate another million to the music program anyway!

Happy Thanksgiving!

1 comment:

The MAN Fan Club said...

Slight chance that the Cowboys could play my Rams in the 1st round of the playoffs. Cowboys have to win AND Eagles lose AND Rams make the playoffs. Lots of IFS and ANDS.