Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Mea Cupa...But you are still an Idiot

News came out today that the umpire that was involved with Milton Bradley was suspended today for inciting Milton. OH WAA WAA!! You are paid how much more than the average joe that watches you "play" for your work? And you can't let someone say something to you that is offensive? I think you are a baby, Milton!

On related news: Mr. Vick is in deeper doo doo with the test that shows that he had an intimate relationship with one Miss MaryJane.

1 comment:

Anthony said...

A lot of times, the players are walking away and the umpire follows him and keeps yelling, rather than letting it go. Sometimes, the umpires are as much to blame as the players.
Bradley has a track record, which makes this different, but it could have been a lot of players, and something tells me that the players like to hear that an umpire got suspended.