Saturday, April 19, 2008

Team sponsorships to avoid

I was surfing around Blogspot and came across this picture. I am not sure I would want my daughter wearing this shirt.

I know that the company is a bread baker and that they own Mrs. Beard's bread. But still...


Kathy said...

And now I've seen it all. I guess we should be happy that's not imprinted on the back of their shorts?

rattln along said...

yeah. That is another thing that gets me. Little pre-teens with sexy on their butts. That is such an insult. It is setting them up to be used to being seen as a sex object.

I don't think anyone should have any thing placed on their butts except for clothing (see Kathy's blog at

foxymama said...

I'm so glad my kids were born so long ago. I don't think I'd be dealing very well with today's young 'uns (as my ole granny used to say.

I suppose it's better than low cleavage. But then they'd probably just tattoo the 'bimbo' on there somewhere...shudder.