Tuesday, October 17, 2006

I just got back from the Texas State Fair. It is awesome. It ends this Sunday. I spent very little money because I refuse to get suckered into the sideshow games and because I took advantage of the DrPepper special admission price on Tuesdays. All ride are $2.50 on Tuesdays as well.

I don't go in for the rides that spin you around and throw you up in the air. I like more tamer rides like bumper cars. Must be my age showing. Oh well, I am sure that they will not go broke if I do not ride them.

I liked seeing the card stacker. He has created the Dallas skyline out of playing cards. For more info about him, please go here.

They also had a small exhibit of DrPepper stuff from the Waco museum. Take a tour of the real museum here. I have a small collection of DrPepper items that I have collected over the years but nothing that compares to the collection in Waco. If you are in the mood for a REAL DrPepper, you have to go to Dublin to get one. Oh that is Dublin, TX, by the way. Worth the trip in mid-June when they rename the town to DrPepper, TX. The Real DrPepper tastes much different from the one that is mass produced across the world. Check it out here.

At the State fair is the Largest Car show outside Detroit and boy do they have cars. I was overwhelmed and did not even see all the exhibits. I guess I will have to go back next year.

1 comment:

The MAN Fan Club said...

I had free tickets for my family and we still didn't go. I don't know if it is the area that it is in, or the crowds, or even getting in FREE I could easily spend $50.